A Guide to Using Singular They/Them pronouns What are Singular They/Them Pronouns? Pronouns are words that are used in place of nouns. In English, she/her and he/him are common third person pronouns. They/them pronouns can also be used as singular third person pronouns that do not specify the gender of the person being discussed. When Do We Use They/ Them Pronouns? They/them pronouns are often used by nonbinary people who do not identify as men or women. If someone has expressed that they use they/them pronouns, you should respect that (see "A Guide to Not Misgendering Trans People"). If you don't know what pronouns someone uses, you can use they/them pronouns until you find out. Are They/Them Pronouns Ungrammatical? Nope! Most people already use they/them pronouns when they do not know someone's gender or when their gender is irrelevant. For example: "I accidentally cut someone off in traffic. I hope they aren't mad!" How to Use Third Person Singular Pronouns. He / Him / His / Himself: He is talking. I hear him. That bag is his. He made it himself. She / Her / Her / Herself: She is talking. I hear her. That bag is hers. She made it herself. They / Them / Their / Themself: They are talking. I hear them. That bag is theirs. They made it themself. Sources: TransStudent.org, MyPronouns.org Designed by Ari Trueswell